Multiple Choices: ggplot2(Bar Plot)

  1. Which of the following code snippets correctly creates a bar plot for the variable Species in the iris dataset? ::: {.cell}
  1. What argument in geom_bar() is used to create a bar plot with bars filled by a variable such as Species? ::: {.cell}


  1. If you want to display the count of each category on top of each bar in a bar plot, which function should you use? ::: {.cell}


  1. To reorder bars based on the mean value of another variable (e.g., Sepal.Width for each Species), which function can be used within aes()? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which of the following will add a color outline around each bar in the bar plot? ::: {.cell}


  1. What does the position = "dodge" argument in geom_bar() do in a grouped bar plot? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which of the following code snippets creates a horizontal bar plot for the variable Species in the iris dataset? ::: {.cell}


  1. To display bars with a frequency count instead of raw counts, you should set the y aesthetic in aes() to which of the following? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which of the following will set the bar color for each level of Species using a color palette in a ggplot2 bar plot? ::: {.cell}


  1. To add labels at the top of each bar, which combination of geom_bar() and geom_text() will work correctly? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which function is used to add a title to the bar plot? ::: {.cell}


  1. How would you customize a bar plot to have bars with transparency using the alpha parameter? ::: {.cell}


  1. What function is used to change the bar colors manually in a bar plot? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which of the following would create a stacked bar plot with bars divided by a variable Type? ::: {.cell}


  1. To create a proportional stacked bar plot, what should you set position to in geom_bar()? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which argument should be modified to adjust the width of the bars in a ggplot2 bar plot? ::: {.cell}


  1. To remove the legend from a ggplot2 bar plot, which function should be used? ::: {.cell}


  1. If you want the bars ordered by frequency, which function should you use on the variable within aes()? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which function would you use to change the axis labels of a ggplot2 bar plot? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which of the following codes would change the color palette of a bar plot for a categorical variable Species to the "viridis" palette? ::: {.cell}


  1. How can you add a customized legend title for the fill aesthetic in a ggplot2 bar plot? ::: {.cell}


  1. If you want to change the color of the text labels on the x-axis, which code should you use? ::: {.cell}


  1. How would you display the bars in decreasing order of frequency for a categorical variable, Category? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which of the following arguments would be used to remove grid lines in a bar plot? ::: {.cell}


  1. To display the count values on top of each bar with a font size of 5, which code should you use? ::: {.cell}


  1. If you want to create a bar plot with custom bar widths for each category in Category, which argument will allow you to adjust the width of all bars simultaneously? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which function would you use to add custom x-axis and y-axis limits to a ggplot2 bar plot? ::: {.cell}


  1. To rotate x-axis text labels by 45 degrees, which code should be used? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which of the following ggplot2 themes provides a minimalistic look with no background color? ::: {.cell}


  1. To change the spacing between bars in a dodged bar plot, which of the following arguments is required? ::: {.cell}

