Multiple Choices: ggplot2(patchwork and plotly)

  1. Which symbol is used to arrange plots side by side in patchwork?
  1. Which function is used to wrap multiple plots into a grid layout in patchwork?
  1. What function is used to add a title to the combined plots in patchwork?
  1. How do you arrange plots into 2 columns in patchwork?
  1. Which function is used to combine multiple plots into a single layout in patchwork?
  1. What happens if you use p1 / p2 in patchwork?
  1. What function is used to add a global title to patchwork plots?
  1. Which package must be loaded first before using patchwork?
  1. What does plot_layout(guides = "collect") do?
  1. How can you adjust the relative width of plots in patchwork?
  1. Which function is used to convert a ggplot2 static plot into an interactive plotly plot?
  1. What package must be loaded before using ggplotly()?
  1. What happens when you apply ggplotly() to a ggplot2 plot?
  1. Which argument in ggplotly() allows you to remove tooltips?
  1. Which function allows you to modify layout settings in a ggplotly() plot?
  1. Which argument in ggplotly() is used to customize hover text?
  1. Which function helps to save an interactive Plotly graph as an HTML file?
  1. What is the default rendering engine when using ggplotly() in R?
  1. What function can be used along with ggplotly() to embed interactive plots in a Shiny app?
  1. Which statement is true about ggplotly()?