Multiple Choices: Joining Data Frames

  1. Which of the following dplyr functions keeps only the rows that have matching values in both tables? ::: {.cell}
  1. What does left_join return when used on two data frames? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which function includes all rows from both tables, with NA values in place where there are no matches? ::: {.cell}


  1. If right_join is applied to two tables, what will the result include? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which of the following commands can help avoid NA values when joining data with only common records between two data frames? ::: {.cell}


  1. What argument should you use in dplyr joins to specify which columns to join by, if the column names differ between two tables? ::: {.cell}


  1. Which dplyr join function would be best suited for combining a table of employees with another table of department names, ensuring that every employee appears, even if they don’t have a department?
  1. What is the outcome if full_join is used on two data frames with no matching keys? ::: {.cell}


  1. When using inner_join, what happens to rows in either data frame that do not have matching keys in the other data frame? ::: {.cell}


  1. In a left_join, which table’s rows are guaranteed to appear in the result regardless of matches in the other table? ::: {.cell}

